people only have banamale castes of bhaktapur use to do florieculture of makhamali

2:49 AM

People only have Banamale castes of Bhaktapur use to do floriculture of Makhamali. As other people knew it has lot of benefits they also started Makhmali floriculture. Farmers of Gundru, Katunje, Bhaktapur, Jhaukhel and Tathali are involving in Makhmali floriculture. Farmers says, only one family selling garlands of Makhmali flower can earn more than one lakh fifty thousand on Tihar. They use to sell each garland of Makhmali at holesale price Rs. 25. Floriculturist says floriculture of Makhmali is more benefit than of farming rice. Garland of Makhmali flowers are not only demanded by Kathmandu valley but also from different places outside of valley. They also use to say that as they have started the business of Makhmali flower it was helpful to live their lifestyle as well. Upon the arrival of Tihar farmers are busy to string Makhmali flowers to make garland as it have historical importance.

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