Television drama series: Singha Durbar- 3 (November 29, 2015)

6:00 PM

Singha Durbar is a television drama series portraying collaborative leadership and good governance. The show tells the story of the inner-workings of the seemingly impenetrable central government of Nepal, humanizing the country’s politicians and creating role models for an inclusive, transparent and collaborative leadership style.There has been a lot of history in the making in Nepal recently. To start with, we finally had we had our country’s first female President elected soon after the first female Speaker of the House was designated. Needless to say, the latest changes and such proud moments have been very overwhelming for Nepalese people. However, we are yet to bring a lot more positive changes, one of them is seeing more women being involved in leadership. And based on the very aspiration, USAID and Search for Common Ground Nepal help come up with the television series Singha Durbar which portrays the fictional character of the first female Prime Minister of Nepal, played by Gauri Malla.Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, director of the serial, shared, “Singha Durbar uses an entertaining drama format to show politics from the vantage point of Nepal’s political leaders. We want citizens to feel some empathy for politicians who are making difficult decisions, reveal the complexity of real-life issues, connect people to their political system and encourage a sense of responsibility so they engage with that system.” “Each episode has been thoroughly researched and covers issues that touch the lives of the Nepali people from climate change to healthcare,” said Abinash Bikram Shah, lead writer of the drama. “Our hope is not only to deepen understanding of Nepal’s evolving government, but demonstrate how citizens can get involved in the process,” added Shah. The 13-episode series is funded by the USAID and produced by Search for Common Ground.

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