Higher education for women more damaging..

7:58 AM

The furnaces of this generation are burning more than the furnaces of Auschwitz, more than the cellars of the inquisition with all their tortures, these are spiritual furnaces,” Rabbi Aviezer Peletz was quoted by the Kikar Hashabbat news website as having said at the conference held on Wednesday.The remarks were reported amid a growing furor in the haredi world over Education Ministry efforts to prevent discrimination against teenage girls in high schools.
Haredi activists close to the United Torah Judaism party are pressing to cancel a unit set up by a previous minister to try and stop a quota system used to limit admissions of Sephardic young women to haredi secondary schools.Anti-discrimination activists have for many years accused these schools of setting a quota of 25 to 35 percent for the number of these young women these haredi schools will accept each year.In the last two years, the ministry, led by the director of the Haredi Department, Meir Shimoni, won several significant battles on the issue, in Jerusalem and Elad, by threatening to cease funding for schools that rejected local government requests to accept Sephardi girls as pupils.
The activists are now concerned that an unsuitable UTJ loyalist will be hired to replace Shimoni, following heavy pressure by the Association of Seminars and principals on the rabbinic leadership to preserve the high schools’ independence regarding student admissions.Last week, the Councils of Torah Sages for both Ashkenazi haredi political movements, Degel Hatorah and Agudat Yisrael, said they would cease cooperating with the Education Ministry until it stopped what they called its “interference” in the operation of the haredi high schools for girls.

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