Man jumps out of window, WATCH VIDEO

1:18 AM

Man jumps off building saved by wife: In China, they say women hold up half the sky. For one fortunate man in the northern city of Changchun, his wife also held him up for nearly 20 minutes after he tried to leap to his death from a top-floor window in their apartment building.It was just after 7:40 a.m. and the pair were alone at home. The man, who sufferers from a mental illness, made for the window without explanation.Just as he went over the ledge, his wife managed to grab hold of a leg, preventing him from falling six floors to a horrible death. Neighbors saw the woman hanging onto her husband for dear life and rushed to help.Police jimmied open the front door with a crowbar and rushed to help the frantic woman, whose body had begun to stiffen from the strain. With help from neighbors, they helped pull the man to safety.The as yet unidentified man later told police he suffered from delusions and had thrown himself from the window after experiencing painful headaches.People praised the woman’s bravery. One drole internet user commented that, quote, “It is very important to find a wife with good arm strength. -

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