Saroj Khanal Nepali Cine Actor - WATCH VIDEO

Saroj Khanal Nepali Cine Hero/Actor returned back to Nepal following 17 years in USA.He was conceived in Narayngarh,chitwan District,HE PASSED FRom trichandra college,He wedded to Surya Mala Sharma.They Have two sons,sarangi was first nepali motion picture of acting saroj khanalHe additionally lead the part in motion picture title Sarangi, Dakshina, Mukti. His acting is one of the melody of prominent motion picture Sarangi, Maile Geet Chodi Aaye had touched each one's heart. His fever among the fans was developing each and every day.

Garib Ko Kokhama || Ram Krishna Dhakal || New Nepali Song

September, 19, 2016 - There are distinctive fields for exhibiting the inclination and circumstance confronted in the lifestyle in the general public. Music is additionally the prominent path for communicating circumstance of society. The emotions like misery, bliss and diverse interest of the time and individuals are additionally perfectly displayed in the musical presentation.

The field of Nepali music industry can be concentrated on by various ways. The organizations like Music Nepal, Songs Nepal, Budha Subba Digital, Highlights Nepal and so forth are built up in the business sector of Nepal. These organizations present distinctive presentation in the business sector. Out of these all presentation, a few presentations are generally prevalent.

There are distinctive organizations set up in the business sector. These organizations distribute the mainstream presentation too. There are diverse reasons other than the prominence of presentation. Distributed the presentation fundamentally in view of the interest of the general population and time additionally can be the primary explanation behind the ubiquity of presentation. The primary fascination of a lovely presentation can be portrayed underneath.

Here is the Nepali cutting edge tune Garibko Kokhma introduced to you. This tune is sung by Ramkrishna Dhakal. He is the prominent Nepali artist who has given the heart touching vocal in various melodies. The wonderful verses incorporated into the melody are composed by Hiramani Neupane. He is the performer too.

The lovely music video is altered by Prabin Bhatta toward Ratnas Joshi. This tune has displayed the diverse circumstances confronting in the method for affection through lovely presentation.

A Journey to Mustang : full documentary Nepal

Horse, previously Kingdom of Lo, is a remote and secluded area of the Nepalese Himalayas. The Upper Mustang was a confined disarmed zone until 1992 which makes it a standout amongst the most safeguarded areas on the planet, with a greater part of the populace as yet talking customary Tibetic dialects. Tibetan society has been safeguarded by the relative disconnection of the district from the outside world. The Upper Mustang contain the northern 66% of Mustang District of Dhawalagiri Zone, Nepal. The southern third of the locale is called Thak and is the country of the Thakali, who talk the Thakali dialect, and whose society consolidates Tibetan and Nepalese components. Life in Mustang spins around tourism, creature cultivation and exchange.

बच्चा इनारमा फालेर आमा बेपत्ता

चितवन, ३ असोज । चितवनको खैरहनी नगरपालिकाको कुमरोजमा इनारभित्र सात महिनाको बच्चा मृत अवस्थामा फेला परेको छ । आमाले नै सात महिनाको बच्चा प्रजिना न्यौपानेलाई इनारमा फालेको जानकारी आएको स्थानीयलाई उद्धृत गर्दै जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय चितवनले जनाएको छ ।

 स्थानीय रामशरण न्यौपानेकी ३६ वर्षीया श्रीमती पार्वती न्यौपानेले आइतबार सात महिनाको बच्चा प्रजिनालाई फालेर बेपत्ता भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । उनका श्रीमान् रामशरणले बिहान बच्चा लिएर निस्किएको र त्यसपछि सम्पर्कमा नआएपछि खोजतलास गरी पाउँ भनी प्रहरीमा निवेदन दिएका थिए ।

सोही निवेदनका आधारमा खोजी गर्दा कुमरोजस्थित इनारमा बच्चा मृत फेला परे पनि आमा भने बेपत्ता रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । उनको खोजी जारी छ । उनको मानसिक अवस्था पनि केही कमजोर रहेको बुझिन आएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । यद्यपि घटनाको अनुसन्धान भइरहेको जनाइएको छ । रासस

रुसमा पोर्न साइट हेर्न प्रतिबन्ध !


३ असोज। विश्‍वकै सबैभन्दा बढी पोर्न साइट्‌स पोर्नहब तथा यूपोर्नलाई रुसमा प्रतिबन्ध लगाइएको छ। रुस सरकारको आइटी तथा मास मिडिया डिपार्टमेन्टले यी साइटहरुलाई औपचारिक रुपमै बन्द गगरिको हो।

तर यो रुस सरकारको पहिलो कदम भने होइन। किनकी यसअघि पनि रुसका एजेन्सीहरुले यस्ता साइटहरुलाई ब्लक गरिदिएका थिए। यस्तै रुस सरकार स्वयमले पनि सन् २०१५ को सेप्टेम्बरमा फैसला गरेको थियो। सरकाको यो फैसलालाई सामाजिक सञ्जाल ट्विटरमा विरोध गरेका छन्।

‘द इन्डिपेन्डेन्ट’ का अनुसार ट्विटरमा एक रुसी नागरिकले एजेन्सीलाई यस्तो चर्चित साइटलाई प्रतिपबन्ध लगाउनुपूर्व विकल्प दिनु पर्ने बताएका छन्। उनले ट्विटरमा भनेका छन्, ‘ डियर ल्योल्या यस्तो चर्चित साइटलाई ब्ल्क गर्नुपूर्व विकल्प दिदा उपयुक्त हुन्थ्यो।’

यस्तै छिमेकी राष्ट्र भारतमा पनि पोर्नसाइटको प्रतिबन्ध लगाउनु पर्ने भनेर प्रश्‍न उठेको थियो। त्यहाँको सर्वोच्च अदालतले समेत पोर्नहब तथा साइट्सहरुलाई रोक्न आदेश दिएको थियो। तर, नेपालमा भने पोर्नहब लगायतका साइट्सहरुलाई रोक्नु पर्नेमा सरकारको कुनै ध्यान गएको छैन।

Nepali Prank – Awkward Rose Prank

Meri bassai is one of the best nepali television serial telecom from nepal television.telecast each tuesday with new story and new circumtances.people love this show becouse of their tipical vilagers ideas. consistently individuals sitting tight for this sirial to have fun.there is new charecter hanumane.he is truly doing great and new charecter.and he got to be prevalent entirely fast.another charecter dhurmuse additionally doing admirably as usual.another new charecter baitadi baje likewise doing well.langri Dada was in town burn a week ago. Langri Dada was prepared to help Hanuman when Mangali was is attempting to show hanuman that she had found another beau. Dari ba was upset to the point that he was sharing his story to Kaji.ovaral its a decent and tipical nepali show.

पुरुषले किन राख्छन् आफुभन्दा बढी उमेरका महिलासंग सम्बन्ध ? जानी राखौं........

एजेन्सी , अक्सर पुरुषहरु आफुभन्दा बढी उमेरका महिला प्रति आकर्षित हुने गर्दछन् । एक रिपोर्टको मुताबिक १०० मा ६८ प्रतिशत पुरुष आफु भन्दा बढी उमेरका महिला प्रति आकर्षित हुने गरेको पाइएको छ ।

उक्त अनुसन्धानको रिपोर्टमा भनिएको छ पुरुषहरु आफुभन्दा बढी उमेरका महिला संगको सम्बन्धबाट मानसिक र शारीरिक सन्तुष्टि प्राप्त गर्दछ । यसको मुख्य कारण बढी उमेरका महिला सम्बन्धका लागि जिम्मेदार हुने गर्दछन । पुरुषको मानसिक र शारीरिक सन्तुलन लाई ज्यादा ध्यान दिने गर्दछन । यौन सम्बन्धको समय अत्यधिक सन्तुष्टि र परिवारमा आफ्नो जिम्मेदरि राम्रोसंग निभाउने गर्दछन ।

बलिउडका अमिल्दा जोडीहरु WATCH AND READ MORE NEWS

बलिउड सिनेमा मध्यमस्तरको स्थान बनाउन सफल अभिनेत्री उर्वशी शर्माले तीन वर्षअघि लगनगाँठो कसेकी हुन् । असंख्य छापा तथा टेलिभिजन विज्ञापनमा खेलेकी उर्वशीले सन् २०१२ मा निर्माता सचिन जोशीसँग विवाह गरिन् । जोशीले केही तेलगु चलचित्रमा अभिनय पनि गरेका छन् । उनीहरूकी एक छोरी छिन् । उमेरले समान भए पनि रूपरंगका हिसाबले यी दुईको जोडी खासै मिल्दो र उम्दा छैन । अरूजस्तै उर्वशीले धनवान् नै रोजेको देखिन्छ ।

अवैध हतियार राखेको अपराधमा हाल जेलमा रहेका बलिउड अभिनेता सञ्जय दत्तले सन् २००८ मा तेस्रो विवाह गरे, आफूभन्दा २० वर्ष कान्छी कन्यासँग । मान्यतालाई भित्र्याउनुअघि सञ्जयको रिया पिल्लाइसँग सम्बन्धविच्छेद भएको थियो । सञ्जयकी पहिली पत्नीको भने सन् १९९६ मा मृत्यु भएको थियो । मुस्लिम परिवारमा जन्मेकी मान्यता बलिउडमा खासै जम्न नसकेकी अभिनेत्री हुन् । केही बी ग्रेडका चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेकी मान्यताले सञ्जयसँग विवाह गरेपछि धर्म पनि परिवर्तन गरेकी छिन् ।

टेलिभिजन र चलचित्र दुवै क्षेत्रमा नाम कमाएकी सिमोन सिंहको नाम अमिल्दो जोडीका लागि पनि लिइन्छ । सन् २००० मा उनी चलचित्र निर्माता फरहद समरसँग वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिएकी हुन् । अमेरिकाको चर्चित ‘इन्टरनेसनल एमी अवार्ड’मा निम्तो पाउने पहिलो भारतीय अभिनेत्री भए पनि जीवनसाथी छनोटमा सिमोनले धनलाई नै महत्त्व दिइन् ।

काठमाडौँ । सामान्यतया विवाहको सन्दर्भमा संसारैभरि समान हैसियत, मिल्दो उमेर र समान रूपरंगमा जोड दिइन्छ । तर, बलिउडमा केही यस्ता जोडी छन्, जसलाई आहा † भन्न सकिन्न । सामान्यतया व्यापारी र धनीसँग विवाह गरेका बलिउड अभिनेत्रीका सन्दर्भमा यो बढी लागू हुन्छ । उनीहरूको जोडी देख्दा के नमिलेको, के नसुहाएकोजस्तो लाग्छ । तिनले ह्यान्डसमलाई भन्दा ‘धनवान्’लाई प्राथमिकता दिएको देखिन्छ ।

३७ वर्षीय बलिउड अभिनेत्री रानी मुखर्जीले गत वर्ष चलचित्र निर्देशक तथा निर्माता आदित्य चोपडासँग विवाह गरिन् । बंगाली चलचित्रबाट फिल्मी यात्रा सुरु गरेकी रानीले छानेका आदित्य न त अविवाहित नै हुन् न उनी त्यत्ति आकर्षक नै छन् । आदित्य रानीभन्दा अनाकर्षक मात्र छैनन्, उमेरले पनि अलि जेठा नै छन् । ४४ वर्षीय आदित्यले रानीसँग विवाह गर्नकै लागि आफ्नी पूर्वपत्नी पायल खन्नासँग सम्बन्धविच्छेद गरेका थिए । बलिउडका ह्यान्डसम अभिनेताहरूसँग ‘अनस्क्रिन’ जोडी बाँधेकी रानीले वास्तविक जीवनमा भने अनाकर्षक तर धनी पति रोजिन् ।

सन् १९८० र ९० को दशककी चर्चित बलिउड नायिका जुही चावलाले सन् १९९५ मा जय मेहतासँग विवाह गरिन् । सन् १९९४ को मिस इन्डिया विजेता भएको दुई वर्षपछि फिल्मी क्षेत्रमा आएकी चावलाका श्रीमान् जुहीभन्दा त्यति धेरै उमेरका त छैनन्, तर रूपरंगले जुहीसँग कत्ति पनि जोडा मिल्दैन । भारतका अतिरिक्त अफ्रिकाका कैयौँ देश, अमेरिका र क्यानडासम्म व्यापार फैलाएका मेहताको धनले नै चावलालाई आकर्षित गरेको देखिन्छ । मेहताकी पूर्वश्रीमतीको जहाज दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु भएको थियो ।

भारतीय सिने क्षेत्रमा रूप र अभिनयका लागि देवीसमान मानिएकी श्रीदेवी सबैभन्दा अमिल्दो जोडीका लागि पनि चर्चित छिन् । सन् १९७०, ८० र ९० का दशकमा बलिउडमा तहल्का मच्चाएकी श्रीदेवीले सन् १९९६ मा नौ वर्ष जेठा चलचित्र निर्माता बोनी कपुरसँग विवाह गरिन् । उमेरभन्दा कम देखिने श्रीदेवी सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रममा आफ्ना श्रीमान्सँग जाँदा बाबु–छोरीजस्ता देखिन्छन् भन्ने टिप्पणी पनि बलिउडमा सुनिन्छ । त्यसो त श्रीदेवी बोनीकी पहिली श्रीमती भने होइनन् । त्यसैगरी श्रीदेवीले पनि बोनीसँग विवाह गर्नुअघि बलिउडकै अर्का चर्चित अभिनेता मिथुन चक्रवर्तीसँग गोप्य विवाह गरेकी थिइन् । श्रीदेवी र बोनीका दुई छोरी छन् ।

फिल्मी निर्देशक, निर्माता र नृत्य निर्देशकजस्ता बहुआयामिक छवि बनाएकी बलिउडकै फराह खान र लेखक तथा सम्पादक शिशिर कुन्दरको जोडी बलिउडका अमिल्दा जोडीमध्ये पर्छ । फराह शिशिरभन्दा आठ वर्ष जेठी पनि छिन् । फराह र शिशिरले सन् २००४ मा विवाह गरेका हुन् । उनीहरूका तीन सन्तान छन् ।नया पत्रिकाबाट

चीनले गर्यो फेरी अर्को चमत्कार READ MORE NEWS

एजेन्सी , मानव द्वारा निर्मित रोबटले बिभिन्न क्षेत्र् मा आफ्नो दमदार उपस्थिति जनाइ सकेको छ । मानबबाट असम्भब जस्ता लाग्ने कार्य समेत रोबटले गर्ने गरेको छ । कहिले काही रोबटले गर्ने कार्य निकै चमत्कारिक हुने गर्दछ । यस्तै चमत्कारिक रोबट बनाएर चीन चिकित्सा क्षेत्रमा क्रान्तिकारी परिवर्तन गर्ने संकेत गरेको छ ।

चीनले निर्माण गरेको औषधिको क्याप्सुल आकारको रोबटले अहिले संसारभर चर्चा पाएको छ । चीनले निर्माण गरेको उक्त रोबट बिमारीले क्याप्सुल औषधि जस्तै गरी निल्नु पर्दछ । चीनिया शोधकर्ताका अनुसार उक्त रोबट शरीर भित्र गएपछि शरीरको पाचन प्रक्रिया र इन्डोस्कोपीका लागि मदत गर्दछ । शोधकर्ताहरुले यस रोबटलाई प्रयोगका लागि १०० भन्दा बढी अस्पताल पठाएका छन् ।

यस रोबोटको निर्माण सिलिकन भ्यालीमा रहेको चीनिया संयुक्त उद्यम कम्पनीले गरेको हो । यो रोबोट मैग्नेटिक पोजीशनिंग चिप आफैले प्रकाश दिन सक्ने बताइएको छ ।अहिले चलीरहेको इन्डोस्कोपी लाई बिथापित गर्न सक्ने बताइएको छ । यस रोबटले मानिसको शरीरमा १५ मिनेट बसेर ३६० डिग्रीमा परीक्षण गर्ने बताईएको छ । यस रोबट चिकित्सा क्षेत्रका लागि बरदान साबित हुने बताइएको छ । उक्त रोबटले पेट भित्रका सम्पूर्ण गतिबिधिको दृश्य बाहिर रहेको वा रोबट संग जोडिएको कम्पुटरलाई पठाउने बताईएको छ । बिरामी आफैले आफ्ने पेट भित्रको सम्पूर्ण गतिबिधि नियाल्न सक्ने छन् ।

Chinese Boy Attending School After Four Years Of Losing His Both Legs

For most kids, theirfirst day back to class is an energizing time, yet for the Chinese kid appeared in the in a matter of seconds video, he is delighted to at long last return to school.Gao Zhiyu has been out of school for a long time subsequent to being hit by an auto amid the mid year break, reports the People's Daily Online. His dad made Gao new legs from wood permitting him to rejoin his class in Jimo City, eastern China.

The 11-year-old understudy started another year at Chengnan Elementary School in Jimo City, China's Shandong area. Gao lost his legs in an auto collision amid the mid year soften up 2012. Amid his long stay in healing facility, he stayed aware of work, utilizing his extra time to concentrate on.

As indicated by the school, Gao's diligent work implies he now positions in the main 5 percent in his school. Individuals have been talking about the kid's story on online networking webpage Weibo with individuals saying that Gao is inspirational.While others shared their worries over the kid's legs.

प्रधानमन्त्रीको भारत भ्रमण टोलीमा १ सय १६ जना - READ MORE NEWS

काठमाडौं, २९ भदौं । प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल सरकारी, व्यापारी र मिडिया समेत गरी १ सय १६ सदस्यीय नेपाली प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व गर्दै बिहीबार भारतको ४ दिने राजकिय भ्रमणमा निस्कने भएका छन् । भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदीको निमन्त्रणामा उनी त्यसतर्फ जान लागेका हुन् । परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय स्रोतका अनुसार मंगलबारसम्म प्रधानमन्त्रीको भारत भ्रमणमा जाने टोलीमा ५० जना सरकारी प्रतिनिधिहरु, ३३ जना उद्योगीरव्यापारी र ३३ जना संचारकर्मीको नाम स्विकृत भएको छ । सरकारी प्रतिनिधिमण्डलमा रहेका ५० जनामध्ये ८ जना नयाँदिल्ली स्थित नेपाली दूतावासका कर्मचारी रहेका छन् भने बाँकी ४२ जना काठमाडौंबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीसँगै जानेछन् ।

Road access in Dharan, Nepal WATCH VIDEO NEWS

As per wiki Dharan is one of the real urban areas, one of three Sub Metropolitan urban areas in eastern Nepal, in the Sunsari District, and is arranged on the foothills of the Mahabharat Range in the north with its southern tip touching the edge of the Terai locale at a height of 1148 ft (349m). It serves as an exchanging post between the bumpy locale and the fields of Terai district. It was at one time the area of an enrollment community for the Brigade of Gurkhas, opened in 1953. The enrollment focus is shut and the grounds is presently the home of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences since 1993. Dharan Sub-metropolitan city composed a Golden Jubilee festivity of Dharan from January 28 to January 31, 2011 denoting the 50th year of foundation of the district. It is the second-biggest city of Eastern Nepal. It is otherwise called the soccer/footballer creating manufacturing plant of Nepal.

RA- 206 flight of Nepal Airlines carrying passengers including Foreign - WATCH VIDEO NEWS

Flight of Nepal Aircrafts Corporation has been spared from having incredible mishap. The plane of Nepal Airlines in which Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat, Foreign Priest had ridden got a mishap in Tribuvan International Airport. RA-206 flight of Nepal Airlines conveying travelers including Foreign Priest of Nepal Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat and different travelers got an mischance amid the season of landing. Amid the season of finding the tire got detonated and crashed in the arrival region yet every one of the travelers have been saved securely.
The battle that had flown from New Delhi of India to Kathmandu, Nepal has got a mishap amid the season of taking the flight to parking space in the wake of arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport at 12:40 PM. The tire at the posterior of plane at the left side has been detonated severely
because of which the mishaps had happened said the airplane terminal office.
For more data about the mishap here we have Luna Bhattarai, one of the travelers from RA-206 flight who was in the flight are the time of mishap. Luna, the traveler of the flight said in actuality they didn't really not comprehended what had happened as it was happened amid the time of landing.
Yet, forcedly the plane was landed and after that there was an declaration that there is some specialized issue in a flight. Indeed, even at that time they have been imagining that may be some basic specialized issue however later just they realized that the feel burnt out on a plane had been
Luna was even asked that either there were any unusual exercises amid the season of flight yet she said there was no any such issue and the flight was going on easily.

‘भाषा–साहित्य सङ्घ नेपाल’ स्थापना - WATCH VIDEO NEWS

काठमाडौँ, २८ भदौ । नेपाल भाषा र साहित्यको विकासका लागि नेपाल सांस्कृतिक सङ्घको पहलमा आज ‘भाषा–साहित्य सङ्घ नेपाल’ स्थापना भएको छ ।नेपाल सांस्कृतिक सङ्घअन्तर्गत रहने गरी प्रजातन्त्र र लोकतन्त्रप्रति आस्था राख्ने साहित्यकारहरुको सहभागितामा उक्त संस्थाको स्थापना भएको हो ।कार्यक्रममा नेपाली काँग्रेसका नेता ज्ञानेन्द्रबहादुर कार्कीले नेपाली भाषामा देखिएको विवादलाई सम्बोधन गर्न यो सङ्घले ठूलो भूमिका खेल्ने बताए ।

नेता कार्कीले नेपाल बहुभाषी, बहुजाति, बहुुसांस्कृतिक मुलुक रहेकाले यसलाई देशको सम्पत्ति ठानेर अगाडि बढ्नुपर्ने बताए । उनले नेपाली भाषा र साहित्यलाई जोगाउन नेपाली काँग्रेसले जस्तोसुकै भूमिका खेल्न तयार रहेको स्पष्ट पारे ।नेपाल टेलिभिजनका अध्यक्ष महेश दाहालले नेपाली भाषा साहित्यको विकास र विस्तारमा प्रजातन्त्रको ठूलो भूमिका रहेको बताए ।
नेपाल प्रेस युनियनका महासचिव अजयबाबु शिवाकोटीले साहित्य र पत्रकारिता एकापसका परिपूरक भएको भन्दै साहित्यको विकास भएमात्र पत्रकारिताको विकास हुने स्पष्ट पारे ।


Rishi Dhamala (otherwise called Risi Dhamala or as Durga Prasad Dhamala after his adolescence name) is a mainstream Nepali writer and the originator and executive of the Reporter's Club Nepal.As of 2015, Rishi Dhamala drives the Reporter's Club Nepal, a media discussion that brings news journalists and powerful considers from Nepal along with an intelligent stage. Likewise, Dhamala works for a few other media outlets in Nepal. He works for no less than 4 TV slots running television shows and current undertakings programs. In Nepal Television, he maintains a business syndicated program; in Himalayan TV, he runs a show called RD Show and in News 24 TV he exhibits Ujyalo program.In expansion, Rishi Dhamala is connected with and runs programs in Dhading's Dibya Dristi TV, Nepal Bani Network's Bani Bahas and composes components and articles in a few daily papers including Bimarsha, Ghatana ra Bichar, Satyagraha and Jana Dharana and alters his own online newsportal.

Nepali Short movie BASPARKO HEROINE

The police here have given back the vehicles working on Araniko and BP Highway without street grant back to Kathmandu. Police have returned 11 vehicles from the parkways in course of looking at carried on Friday and Saturday. So also, the movement police returned 73 such vehicles back to Kathmandu on Tuesday. Police have made a move against the 40 vehicles on the charge of conveying travelers more than the limit. Police here have increased the vehicle checking after a gigantic street mishap happened on Monday at Birtadeurali-7 in Kavrepalanchowk area killing more than 30.

Sweta Khadka Interview

Performing artist Sweta Khadka is arranging rebound in Nepali film one year from now. In a report Sweta is dealing with three scripts to create another motion picture one year from now. In the film Sweta will be highlighted in driving part. Watch the accompanying video for the report:Sweta hasn't acted in any motion picture after 'Kohinoor', the last film of her significant other Shree Krishna Shrestha. After the demise of Shree Krishna, Sweta went secluded from everything and grieving. Following quite a while of self-assurance and expert treatment, grin has as of late returned in Sweta's face.Although no points of interest on the season of creation or the cast and group is given, Sweta's returning in itself is uplifting news to her various fans.

Five most risky Roads in the world

Streets have for the most part been mankind's approach to tame nature with the guide of discarding obstructions that get inside the way of going from A to B. however what happens while nature strikes once more? apparently anyplace you go there's one rankled native who guarantees their town has the most noticeably awful drivers and most pothole swarmed streets, however potential outcomes are they don't know about the streets that made this rundown. right here is the thing that happens while the infertile locale stays untamable and something as simple as a rascal of the guiding wheel will turn into a ways of life or destruction count.maximum mountain streets are cut out of the precarious rough face of the earth the use of explosive, however that got to be off the table for the villagers of the far away chinese city known as Guoliang. In 1972, 13 villagers from the city sold their domesticated animals to hoist spending plan for street developing fabric. those apparatuses wound up being minimal more noteworthy than mallets and etches, and as you could envision, progress got to be slow. The Guoliang Tunnel is best seventy five percent of a mile long however took 5 years to build.


Crime Patrol Dial 100 - WATCH VIDEO

Wrongdoing watch is an Indian reality arrangement show displayed in Sony Entertainment Channel. It depends on violations that have happened in India and the scene presents sensationalized adaptation of wrongdoing cases that happened in India. The stay of this show is Anup Soni. The group of Crime Patrol concentrates on making mindfulness about violations as well as expects to help the casualties on whom their scenes are based.

Each wrongdoing we know about, either cautions us to know or panics us, it could transpire. Violations that let us know we should be cautious, we should be vigilant. Wrongdoing obviously happens of sudden however when some place, something incorrectly touches off, then its an insight, a thump of wrongdoing. So overlooking it implies inviting wrongdoing, giving it a chance to happen.

Here the present scene of Crime Patrol Dial 100 entitled as "Darr" is the 173rd scene of the arrangement. This story uncovers the suicide instance of Malini who once used to be a splendid stundent and a shrewd girl of her folks.

Malini Raghuram is a MBA competitor and needs to consider in Pune. Her folks were totally against her choice, as they needed Malini to study her home city, Chennai. In any case, at last they consented to her requests and she got conceded in a pretigous Management school in Pune. Malini found an accomodation in a young ladies PG yet at the same time her folks were strained. Need to know what happens next? At that point stay tuned with this staggering scene of "Darr".


It is extremely chance if there be the minor oversight in eye we could lost the vision however the group at Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital has utilized this gadget to work the eyes. This is controlled through a joystick to expel a layer one hundredth of a millimeter thick.

Persistent Bill Beaver who is 70, says that it was a children's story to have the surgery done by this. The specialists trust that this method will make ready for more mind boggling eye surgery which is as of now conceivable in human hand.

Here is the video where you can see gathering of specialists with the patient working the eyes through this robot. You can see this on the video how it is functioning under the human eye. This looks calm d@nger yet trust this would be the powerful method for surgery in future.


Blood Group & Habit

A blood classification (additionally called a blood gathering) is an arrangement of blood in light of the nearness and nonattendance of antibodies furthermore taking into account the nearness or nonappearance of acquired antigenic substances on the surface of red platelets (RBCs). These antigens might be proteins, sugars, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, contingent upon the blood bunch framework. Some of these antigens are additionally present on the surface of different sorts of cells of different tissues. A few of these red platelet surface antigens can come from one allele (or an option adaptation of a quality) and altogether frame a blood bunch framework. Blood classifications are acquired and speak to commitments from both guardians. An aggregate of 35 human blood bunch frameworks are currently perceived by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT).The two most essential ones are ABO and the RhD antigen; they decide somebody's blood classification (A, B, AB and O, with +, − or Null indicating RhD status).

महिलाले कुकुरलाई झैं डोरीले बाँधेर बीच सडकमै पुरुषलाई डोर्‍याएपछि {फोटो सहित}

बेइजिङ, २८ भदौ – चीनमा एक महिलाले सार्वजनिक स्थलमा एउटा पुरुषलाई कुकुर झैं डोर्‍याएर हिँडेको तस्वीर निकै भाइरल बनेको छ।

पिपल्स डेली अनलाइनका अनुसार फुजिआन प्रान्तको फुझोउमा चार दिनअघि यस्तो दृष्य देखिएको हो। कुकुर बाँध्ने डोरीले एक पुरुषको घाँटीमा बाँधेर कुकुर झैं डोर्‍याउँदै हिँडेको दृष्यलाई सयौंले आश्चर्य मानेर हेरेका थिए।

हातखुट्टा टेकेर ती महिलाको पछिपछि पुरुष विवस भएर हिँडेका देखिन्थे भने बेलाबेलामा ती महिलाले पुरुषको टाउको सुम्सुम्याएकी थिइन्।

सडकमै यस्तो दृष्य देखिएपछि केहीबेर सवारी आवागमनमा समेत बाधा भएको थियो। कयौं सवारी साधनका चालकहरु उक्त दृष्य हेर्नका लागि आफ्नो सवारी साधन रोक्ने वा बिस्तारै हाँक्ने गरेका कारण सडकमा यातायात व्यवस्था प्रभावित भएको थियो।

निकै बेरपछि सर्वसाधारणले ती महिलालाई सम्झाइ बुझाइ गरेर उक्त पुरुषको उद्धार गरेको बताइन्छ। यद्यपि ती महिलाले किन त्यसरी एक पुरुषलाई कुकुरलाई झैं डोर्‍याइन् भन्ने प्रष्ट हुन सकेको छैन। उनीहरुबीचको सम्बन्धका बारेमा पनि केही खुलाइएको छैन।

चिनियाँ सरकारी संचारमाध्यमहरुका अनुसार प्रहरीले सवारी आवागमनमा बाधा पुर्‍याएको आरोपमा ती महिला र पुरुषलाई बयानका लागि बोलाउन सक्छ। चिनियाँ सामाजिक संजालमा उक्त तस्वीरका बारेमा धेरैले प्रतिक्रिया जनाएका छन्। एजेन्सी र इमेज खबरको सहयोगमा

राष्ट्रपति, उपराष्ट्रपति र प्रधानमन्त्रीबीच संयुक्त भेटवार्ता READ MORE NEWS


काठमाडौं, २८ भदौ । प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्डले आफ्नो भारत भ्रमणका विषयमा राष्ट्रपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारी र उपराष्ट्रपति नन्दबहादुर पुनलाई जानकारी गराएका छन् ।

राष्ट्रपति भवन शीतल निवासमा मंगलबार भएको राष्ट्रप्रमुख र सरकार प्रमुखबीचको भेटवार्तामा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डको आसन्न भारत भ्रमण तथा मुलुकको पछिल्लो राजनीतिकसहित समसामयिक विषयमा छलफल भएको छ ।

सो भेटवार्तामा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डले आफ्नो भारत भ्रमणका विषयमा राष्ट्रपति र उपराष्ट्रपतिलाई ब्रिफिङ गर्दै राजनीतिक अवस्थाका बारेमा पनि जानकारी गराएका छन् ।

सो क्रममा संविधान कार्यान्वयन, मधेशवादी दललगायतका माग सम्बोधन, पुनर्निर्माणसहितका विषयमा पनि छलफल भएको बताइएको छ ।
प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्ड यही भदौ ३० गते भारतको औपचारिक भ्रमणका लागि त्यसतर्फ प्रस्थान गर्दैछन् ।

Nepali mens are carrying car to Kathmandu – Rare video

This is exceptionally uncommon video of Nepal. Dozen of keeps an eye on are conveying first auto to enter kathmandu Nepal. Adolf Hitler skilled King Truibhuvan of Nepal with this 1938 model Mercedes Benz, which was the primary auto ever found in Nepal. It was conveyed to the capital by men as in 1940 there were no streets in the city. lets watch this astonishing video :

Poorest President in the World 2016

José Mujica is the world poorest President. As indicated by wikipedia; José Mujica was conceived on 20 May 1935 is a Uruguayan legislator who was the 40th President of Uruguay somewhere around 2010 and 2015. A previous urban guerrilla contender with the Tupamaros, he was detained for a long time amid the military fascism in the 1970s and 1980s. An individual from the Broad Front coalition of left-wing parties, Mujica was Minister of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries from 2005 to 2008 and a Senator a short time later. As the hopeful of the Broad Front, he won the 2009 presidential race and took office as President on 1 March 2010.
He has been portrayed as "the world's "humblest" president" because of his stark way of life and his gift of around 90 percent of his $12,000 month to month compensation to philanthropies that advantage destitute individuals and little business visionaries.

अब रोबटले पढाउनेछ बिरामी विद्यार्थीलाई READ MORE NEWS


एजेन्सी, भदौ २८। सूचना प्रविधिको युगमा अब रोबटले सामाजिक काम समेत गर्ने भएको छ। उसले बिरामी भएका बालबालिकाका सहयोग गर्ने भएको छ। रोबटले बालबालिकालाई बिरामीको समयमा आफ्नो उपस्थिति देखाउन मद्दत गर्ने छ। यसको माध्यमबाट विलार्थीले अब स्कुलमा आफ्नो अनुउपस्थितिमा रोबटलाई पठाउन सक्नेछन्।

अमेरिकाको क्यालिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालयको इरविन स्कूल अफ एजुकेशनका सोधपत्र गर्नेहरु तथा अध्ययनकी प्रमुख प्रमुख लेखिका वेरोनिका न्यूहार्टले यसले प्राथमिक शिक्षामा रोबर्टले महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिने दाबी गरेकी छन्।

उनका अनुसार प्राथमिक शिक्षादेखि माध्यमिक शिक्षाका छात्रछात्रालाई समेत बिरामी भएमा रोबर्टले मद्दत पुर्याउनेछ। यसको लागि टेलिप्रेजेन्टस रोबटले विद्यार्थीलाई स्कुलमा आफ्नो उपस्थिति र पढाई गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ। जुन विरामी विद्यार्थीले स्कुलमै गएर पढेको जस्तो साबित समेत रोबर्टले गर्न सक्ने बताइएको छ।

इन्टरनेटबाट चल्ने यो रोबटको खुट्टामा चक्का तथा शरीरको माथिल्लो भागमा प्रयोगकर्ताको तस्बिर देखिनेछ।


Similarly here is the same kind of story, this story is about a working women and a alcoholism man who were so poor that the women was compelled to work in the office as a servant. Husband used to drink alcohol and come home and fight with wife as he had no earning he used to use the money of his wife sc*olding and punishing her. This was the regular schedule of that home.

One day their child gets sick and she had no money for the treatment and she asked help with the owner of her office and that man got the chance to get her body instead of money and he compelled her to have $*x so that he could give her money and she agreed with it and as she was giving herself to that man other side her husband d!es and her child too d!*es and when she reach home and see this she couldn’t control and she too d!es.


This is the tale of two companions who are living in a town and needs to go to the city to land a position. One of the companions thinks himself as an astute, instructed and able man; and others as a moron. When they reach to the city and approach a man for the occupation, they both get sacks of 5 lakhs rupees. This change something on the story. What will happen to both companions, their employments and 5 lakhs? Do know the full story you need to watch the short film. Every one of the recordings by television Nepali are copyright licensed innovation of YouTube station television Nepali. Downloading and re-transferring on YouTube, Facebook or whatever other video facilitating destinations are entirely disallowed, yet inserting and sharing connections in sites is permitted. Legitimate move will be made against the individuals who required in the copyright IP encroachment.

SK Dance in Dance Plus Show

Dance Plus - tag line "Ise Kehte Hain Dance"' is an Indian dance competition reality television series, which premiered on 26 July 2015 and broadcast on STAR Plus.

The series is produced by Frames Productions. The auditions for the show were carried out in thirteen cities in India, started from 3 June 2015 and ended on 11 October 2015.

The Winner of Dance + was V Company from Team Dharmesh. The series is hosted by Raghav Juyal, while Remo D'Souza judge the show.

Dharmesh Yelande, Sumeet Nagdev and Shakti Mohan are the mentors of the show. The Season 2 of Dance Plus starts from 2 July 2016.

The auditions takes place across several cities of Indian from 3 to 26 May 2016.

चक्कु प्रहारबाट युवकको मृत्यु, तीनजना पक्राउ READ NEWS


बैतडी, २८ भदौ । चक्कु प्रहारबाट दार्चुलामा एक युवकको गएराति मृत्यु भएको छ भने चक्कु प्रहार गर्ने समूहका तीनजनालाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ ।

मृत्यु हुनेमा अपी नगरपालिका–४ का २२ वर्षीय गणेश कँुवर रहेका छन् । चक्कु प्रहारबाट घाइते कुँवरको जिल्ला अस्पताल दार्चुलामा उपचार हुन नसक्दा भारत रिफर गरिएको थियो । कुँवरको थप उपचारका लागि भारत लैजाँदै गर्दा गएराति बाटोमै ज्यान गएको बताइएको छ ।

यसअघि घाइतेको पेटमा गहिरो चोट रहेकाले लगातार रगत बगिरहेको अस्पताल स्रोतले जनाएको थियो । अपी नगरपालिका–५ छापरीको कोटमा देउडा खेलिरहेका बेला सोमबार दुई समूहबीच झडप भएको बताइएको छ । चक्कु प्रहार गर्ने तीनजनालाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ ।

पक्राउ पर्नेमा दार्चुला अपी नगरपलिका–४ दहका २७ वर्षीय धिरेन्द्र कुँवर, १७ वर्षीय रमेश कुँवर र सोही ठाँउकै १६ वर्षीय उमेश कुँवर रहेका जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय दार्चुलाका प्रहरी निरीक्षक रणबहादुर चन्दले राससलाई जानकारी दिए ।

पक्राउ परेका तीनैजनाविरुद्घ कर्तव्य ज्यान मुद्दा दर्ता गरी थप अनुसन्धान गरिने बताइएको छ । रासस

Nepali Comedy Video

It is a human instinct we some time cry, giggle, work more than required. Notwithstanding of all we seek happiest snapshot of our life and attempt to get that. For happiest life, one noteworthy stride you need is fun in your life. We "Battho Manchhe" unit are attempting to create such a film which makes your minute most clever and get you to a chuckle full life. We chose to make an arrangement/serial generation of "Battho Manchhe " playing a specific social character who mirror the genuine face of such a man of society who can't do anything besides he imagine that he is everything. This is a short motion picture Directed by Harindra Khattri (a film chief and in addition a performing artist) has much quality in video, sound, story and method. Particularly motion pictures are spotlight on the social, political and social issues.

Battho Manchhe 89 – Nepali Comedy Video

Battho Manche new scene is great to watch. It has a young lady in lead part and she is delightful with brain. Two men attempt to pose a few questions to test her insight yet she traps to answer their inquiries. This is the fresh out of the box new nepali satire cut on youtube. The comic drama arrangement in the name Battho Manchhe is transferred consistently by television nepali. Really Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali dialect which implies the man who is astute. Be that as it may, this comic drama clasp is sarcastic to the individuals who see themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this arrangement of Battho Manchhe, the creator needs to demonstrate that the socalled smart man really is not sufficiently sharp but rather individuals feels chafed and consent to let him know Battho Manchhe. The all rights saved to tvnepali. Reuploading and proliferation is entirely prohibited. Inserting in sites will be generously welcome. If it's not too much trouble like, remark and share recordings.

Battho Manchhe 93 – Nepali Comedy Video

Battho Manche new episode is very good to watch. It has a girl in lead role and she is beautiful with mind. Two men try to ask some questions to test her knowledge but she tricks to answer their questions. This is the brand new nepali comedy clip on youtube. The comedy series in the name Battho Manchhe is uploaded regularly by tv nepali. Actually Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali language which means the man who is clever. But, this comedy clip is satirical to those who consider themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this series of Battho Manchhe, the author wants to show that the socalled clever man actually is not clever enough but people feels irritated and agree to told him Battho Manchhe. The all rights reserved to tvnepali. Reuploading and reproduction is strictly forbidden. Embedding in websites will be heartily welcome. Please like, comment and share videos.


Chinese man jumps to his death after shopping fight with girlfriend

A Chinese man purportedly turned out to be so disappointed and furious with his sweetheart and her shopping that he jumped to his demise from the seventh floor of a shopping center in China. The mischance occurred in at the Xuzhou Golden Eagle shopping center Jiangsu Province in eastern China on December 7 following 38-year-old Tao Hsiao went with his better half on a sensational shopping event that kept going more than five hours. Evidently Tao was getting drained and requested to go home. It would appear that his better half wasn't having any of that hogwash.

Observers say he could be heard saying they as of now had a larger number of packs than they could convey, yet she demanded going into one more store that had a deal on shoes. Individuals then said Tao advised her she as of now had enough shoes, a bigger number of shoes than she would ever wear in a lifetime and that it was pointless purchasing any more. That is the point at which his sweetheart began yelling at him and blaming him for being shabby and of demolishing Christmas.
The contention finished when the man tossed all the shopping sacks on the floor and after that climbed a 1.5m high rail close by a lift shaft at the focal point of the shopping center and hopped. As he tumbled down seven stories, he crushed into Christmas enrichments arriving on one of the slows down underneath before tumbling to the floor. It was four toward the evening when Tao hammered into a plastic-and-glass beauty care products show counter, simply missing representatives.
Police say the occurrence is still under scrutiny and are searching for the sweetheart. By and large, perhaps he ought to have quite recently parted ways with her. On the other hand would she say she was truly that irritating?


In the short film a mother is demonstrated being extremely agonized over her little girl as she is in a connection ship with an awful person and individuals are additionally saying awful things in regards to it. Be that as it may, the girl then again is extremely upbeat about her connection boat and doe snot question him. One day she advises her beau to not meet for some time in view of her mom. The person concurs as well. In any case, in the blink of an eye he calls her and says that he require some cash.

The young lady says that she just gave him cash a month ago and asks where it was. The person gets extremely furious and advises her not to question him and give him the cash her needs The young lady says that she has a minimal expenditure so he goes to her home to take the cash. In any case, before leaving he undermines her that he will hurt her in the event that she doesn't give her moeny later and when she doesn't he punches her on the face.

Nepali Boy Singing Nepali Lok Song

Nepalese musical instrument has an extremely solid association with Nepalese society and religion. Nepal has significantly more tunes and rhythms of its own to impart to whatever is left of the world. The musical conventions of Nepal are as different as the different ethnic gatherings of the nation. The most complex musical society in the Himalayas is that of the "Newars" in the Kathmandu valley and the "Damai" in the other piece of Nepal, which over the span of the previous 2000 years has consumed for the most part Indian impacts in forming a one of a kind musical convention. In Nepal music has been prospered by mostly these two gatherings of individuals. Newar's way of life prospered amid the late Malla tradition from the fifteenth century up to the eighteenth century. The Malla lords of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur were dedicated benefactors of expressions of the human experience and contended with each other in the beautification and social accomplishments of their kingdoms. A large portion of these Malla rulers themselves exceeded expectations as performers, artists, artists and town organizers.


Executive of Nepal Ireland Society, Dipeshman Shakya, Coordinator of Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA), Europe, Kul Acharya among others additionally tended to the capacity. The capacity showcased move and musical presentations by Nepali and Irish craftsmen. Panche Baja, conventional Nepali Instruments, was the principle fascination of the function.Thousands of individuals additionally watched the photographs taken by Irish sightseers in Nepal that were shown at the event.There was a dynamic interest of various association in the project together sorted out by the Nepali Embassy in London, Nepal Ireland Society and Nepal Tourism Board.


This is the story of two friends who are living in a village and wants to go to the city to get a job. One of the friends thinks himself as a clever, educated and capable man; and others as a fool. When they reach to the city and ask a man for the job, they both get bags of 5 lakhs rupees. This change something on the story. What will happen to both friends, their jobs and 5 lakhs? Do know the full story you have to watch the short film. All the videos by tv Nepali are copyright intellectual property of YouTube channel tv Nepali. Downloading and re-uploading on YouTube, Facebook or any other video hosting sites are strictly prohibited, but embedding and sharing links in websites is allowed. Legal action will be taken against those who involved in the copyright IP infringement.

ऋचा-कर्मा जोडी... READ NEWS

राजधानीमा सोमबार आयोजित 'ओप्पो मोबाइल' को एक कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुँदै ब्रान्ड एम्बेसडर अभिनेत्री ऋचा शर्मा र अभिनेता कर्मा । चिनिया ब्राण्डको मोबाइल 'ओप्पो' ले नेपालमा पनि सोमबारबाट बिक्री शुभारम्भ गरेको छ । तस्विर: आजको खबर

अफिस जानकै लागि युवाले काठको विमान बनाएपछि..(फोटो फिचर)

एजेन्सी, तपाईले अहिलेसम्म प्राय सबै विमान फलामबाटै बनेको देख्नु भएको छ। तर तपाईले कहिले विमान काठबाट बनेको सनेको वा देख्‍नु भएको छ? तर चेक रिपब्लिकका एक युवाले काठबाटै विमान बनाएका छन्।

फ्रेन्टिस हेदरावा नामक युवाले अरुलाई साइकलमा, बाइकमा, कारमा कार्यालय गरेको देखेर उनले आफू विमानमा अफिस जाने योजना बनाए। फलस्वरुप उनले एउटा काठकै विमान तयार पारे। किनकी उनलाई अफिस जान जहिले पनि ढिलो हुने गर्दथ्यो।

४५ वर्षीय हेदरावाले बनाएको काठको विमानमा एक लाख चेक केरुणा अर्थात साढे ४ लाख नेपाली रुपैयाँ खर्च गरेका छन्। उनी अहिले त्यही विमानबाटै आफिस आउने जाने गर्दछन्।

उनी कारभन्दा अगावै अफिस पुग्‍ने गर्छन्। उनी भन्छन्,’ मेरो अफिस १५ कलोमिटरको दूरीमा पर्छ। मलाई कारबाट १४ मिनेट लाग्थ्यो जुन मेरो लागि धेरै समय हो। यही कारण मैले छोटो समयमा अफिस पुग्‍ने विमान बनाए।’

उनका अनुसार अब कार्यालय पुग्‍न उनलाई चार मिनेट लाग्छ। उनी भन्छन् ‘तर म विहान विहान आम मानिसलाई हैरान गर्न भने चाहदिन। तर म चार मिनेट लाग्ने ठाउँमा ३ मिनेट नजिकै चक्कर लगाएर ७ मिनेटमा अफिस पुग्छु।’

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